Discover Company Info on Minpet Geological Software Inc. in 294 RUE DU MONTFLEURI GATINEAU QC J8R 2H6, such as Contacts, Addresses, Reviews, and Registered Agent. Minpet Geological Software Inc. , free company information including address, contacts, accounts, directors, more. 10 Software Suppliers (Geology) (512) 6Feb1994 Minpet Geological Software (Minpet, Mineralogical and Petrological data processing system for Windows) Abstract. A new software, PetroGraph, has been developed to visualize, elaborate, and model geochemical data for igneous petrology purposes. Scientific program Session 1: Compositional variation of Barich white micas from two different geological settings: P62: Tropper. Does anyone know the softwareMinpet? Under the circumstance of Windows 8. 1, it can't run, how do you deal with this situation. Geological Survey of India; Is there any software which can substitute Minpet? Minpet is one of useful software for mineral chemistry. GCDkit, a Rlanguage based sw system for handling, recalculation and plotting of wholerock analyses from igneous rocks. Teach the Earth Petrology Geochemical Data Plotting Programs. at the 2017 Geological Society of America. Igpet igneous petrology software. Igpet provides tools for teaching and research in Igneous Petrology, allowing users to develop their own data files and to use. Jul 18, 2008Where from do I get the software MinPet, Version 2. I have searched the web, but could Please Help: Science Geology: ? How to input the data into Minpet Software 1. Open Minpet software and then click Handling. Click Create a new Minpet File Minpet Geological Software Inc. is a company governing under the Canada Business Corporations Act 12 November 1997 (Wednesday). You can download MinPet software for free: See more of Institute Of Geology, University Of The Punjab on Facebook. Institute Of Geology, University Of The Punjab Graphical presentation and numerical modelling of geochemical data Course of the Language Vojtch 2. MinPet Geological Software, Qubec, Canada. List of free geology software This is a list of free Allows creation of public geological models in its web platform for free and query the model with an Open. Has anyone used the new MinPet for Windows software for petrological or mineralogical calculations? I would appreciate any feedback from current Below a list of geological application software required for geology students. The list shows the most common applications used by students and their usage. MINPET GEOLOGICAL SOFTWARE INC. LOGICIEL GEOLOGIQUE MINPET INC. is a company in Canada and its company number is. The company's status is listed as Dissolved. Software, databases, and online phase equilibrium sites: EarthRef. org Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) Department of Geology, University of Georgia