Typical Resolution for Opening a Bank Account Date: of this organization is authorized and directed to establish a checking account with (name of bank). Board Resolution Regarding Banking Account Template Download Now. Simply fillin the blanks and print in minutes! Instant Access to 1, 800 business and legal forms. TO OPEN BANK ACCOUNT FOR Company Name Upon a motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, it. FORMAT OF BOARD RESOLUTION (FOR ACCOUNT OPENING OTHER THAN INDIVIDUAL) (To be made on corporate letter head) RESOLVED THAT an application be made on behalf of (Co. Resolution to Open Bank Accounts. Resolution to Open Bank Accounts. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined it to be in the best. BOARD RESOLUTION OF ACCOUNT OPENING To: At a meeting of the Board of Directors sign and deliver to the Bank on BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION TO OPEN BANK ACCOUNT FOR Company Name Upon a motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously Sample Board Resolution. Board Resolution Format Instructions: The Board Trustee Committee of the discussed the requirement of opening a bank account RESOLVED THAT the Company's Banking Current Account No with (Name of the Bank with address), be closed and the amount, if any, lying in the said account be. resolution for opening bank account, board resolution format for opening bank account, board resolution for opening bank account in word format. Aug 10, 2016Can anyone give me the sample resolution for authorising Resolution to open bank account. other resolution passed earlier by the Board of Director in. RESOLUTION TO BE ADOPTED BY AN INCORPORATED COMPANY TO OPEN A CURRENT ACCOUNT WITH AMNA BANK To: Amna Bank Limited At the meeting of the Board of. Format of board resolution for opening bank account in India. This board resolution for opening bank account can be used by a Private Limited Company or OPC. MINUTES OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF, A CORPORATION. The board of directors of held a meeting on at. Board Resolution for Account of a for the Company to open and operate additional accounts with the Bank Board Resolution for Account of a Limited Company Board Resolution (For Private LimitedPublic Open and Close Accounts To approve and open with the Bank That a copy of any resolution of the Board of. BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION TO OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT FOR Okapi Designs, Inc. Upon a motion duly made and unanimously carried, it was: RESOLVED, that the officers of. A proposal to open a Current Account with the (Name of the Bank with address) was placed before the Board for conducting its daytoday financial transactions. Board meeting minutes, Meeting minutes, How to get board meeting Minutes sample, New bank account opening sample copy Resolution of the Board of Directors. IWe, the undersigned, being the Director(s) of (the Company Bank Account Opening with Loyal Bank Limited.